December 31, 2016
By: coldnewClojureTW 週報 2016-12-31
ClojureTW 活動
- 我們將在 1/23 舉辦實體聚會。本次討論的議題是 clojure.spec ,具體聚會地點以及詳細時間請關注 meetup 的通知。
- Austin Clojure Meetup - Stu Halloway: Agility & Robustness: Clojure spec
- Project Jigsaw in JDK 9: Modularity Comes to Java
- clojure/data.xml - library for reading and writing XML data. [ANN]
- lein-codeindex - Index code using etags or ctags. [ANN][文章介紹]
- mvxcvi/clj-cbor -Native Clojure CBOR codec implementation. [ANN]
- lambdaisland/garden-reloader - A component that watches-and-recompiles your Garden stylesheets.
- chromex - Write Chrome Extensions with ClojureScript. [reddit]
- instaparse - Instaparse: No grammar left behind [ANN].
學習資訊 (繁)
學習資訊 (簡)
學習資訊 (英)
- Threading Pipelines in Clojure
- Why Clojure is better than C, Python,Ruby and java and why should you care
- A new way of blogging about C++
- How boot solved our FTP problem
- Translating Lists From Common Lisp to Clojure
- HDFS+Kerberos java client api pains
- Using the Clojure-based bowerick MoM/JMS Library in Java
- Railway oriented programming with Clojurescript
- Deep Learning in Clojure with Cortex
- goldstift's 2 cent on technology and software development
學習資訊 (日)
- McCarthy Math
- The Real Reason Not To Share a Mutable State
- lk-geimfari/awesomo: The really big list of really interesting open source projects in С, C++, Clojure, Common/Emacs Lisp, Elixir, Erlang, Golang, Haskell, JavaScript, Lua, OCaml, Python, R, Ruby, Rust, Scala and etc.
- The best things and stuff of 2016
- 想要 Remote Work 嘛? Remote Stories 收集了各式各樣的匿名心得。
- GeneLisa - A Genetic Approach to Recreate a MasterPiece