January 21, 2017
By: coldnewClojureTW 週報 2017-01-21
ClojureTW 活動
- 我們將在 01/23 舉辦實體聚會。本次討論的議題是 clojure.spec ,具體聚會地點以及詳細時間請關注 meetup 的通知。
- Lispy and clj-refactor worship
- Sublime 文字編輯器的授權以 USD $10 在 eBay 拍賣中
- aws-arn - Parse AWS ARNs in Clojure
- re-alm - An Elm Architecture experiment in ClojureScript
- powerlaces/boot-figreload - Boot task providing live-reload using Fighweel client
- org.clojars.nicolaus/cljgae-template - A Leiningen template for Clojure development on Google App Engine
- ClojureCL - a Clojure library for parallel computations with OpenCL 2.0 (GPGPU).
- boot/new - Generate new projects based on Boot Templates and/or Leiningen Templates [ANN]
- spootnik/net - The netty clojure companion
學習資訊 (英)
- Reagent deep dive part 2: The lifecycle of a component
- Reagent deep dive part 3: Sequences
- Reagent deep dive part 4: Application principles
- clojure.spec example: emacs keybindings
- Desktop GUIs with Clojure in 2017: What are the options?
- Datalog for trees in Clojure
- 針對ClojureScript 的研討會 ClojureScript Days 出現囉! 不過價格有點貴,合不合用就見仁見智了 [reddit] (remote 研討會票錢誰賺走了?)
- 2017 年的 Clojure/west 開始報名囉,地點在美國的奧勒岡州的波特蘭 (Portland, OR) 時間則是 Mar 30-31, 2017。
Java 相關
- Overview of AI Libraries in Java
- Creating PDF Files in Java
- The Top 100 Java Libraries in 2016
- Conference Season Mic Drop: 13 Java Talks That You Shouldn’t Miss
Javascript 相關
- When node.js is the wrong tool for the job
- Awesome JavaScript Newsletter - Issue 36, Jan 20, 2017
- 15 must know web Dev tools tricks
- Simple Mario with itsAlive.js
- mitt: Tiny 200b functional event emitter / pubsub.
- PicoList JVM vs. Clojure
- Adding Swagger Specifications Validation to Your Travis CI Build
- awesome/Public-APIs: A curated list of APIs from round the web.
- awesome/saas-services: A curated list of the best in class SaaS services for developers and business owners.
- CS 5510: Programming Languages, materials including videos (Racket)
- 用漫畫來描述後端開發(back-end development)]
- Understanding the new Google Translate
- Disadvantages of purely functional programming
- The best way to learn new technologies is by doing. Here’s some inspiration.