April 22, 2017
By: coldnewClojureTW 週報 2017-04-22
ClojureTW 活動
- 我們將在 04/26 舉辦實體聚會,此次聚會將和 EmacsTW合辦。不論您對 Clojure 有興趣,亦或是對 Emacs 相關議題有興趣,都歡迎參加。
- COSCUP 2017 怎麼辦?。怎麼辦呢?要丟社群議程嗎?
學習資源 (英)
- Code is Data (reasoning)
- Robust Clojure: The best way to handle nil
- What are the most used Clojure libraries?
- Numbers as text
- Writing ClojureScript native apps is easy
- On the Judicious Use of core.async
- Semi-eager realization of lazy sequences in ClojureScript
JVM 相關
- Is Jigsaw good or is it wack?
- JVM Garbage Collectors
- Java RAM Usage in Containers: 5 Tips Not to Lose Memory
- Stephen Colebourne's blog: Java 9 modules